Clarence Day (William Powell), is a benevolent despot of his 1880s New York City household. His wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne), is the real head of the household. The anecdotal story, encompassing such det...
It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world ...
奢曼(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)是在华尔街工作的金融精英,他拥有着一份收入丰厚的工作,一位娇俏可人的妻子,每天西装革履出入高级场所,可谓过着十分体面的生活,堪称典范。然而实际上,奢曼有着自己的秘密,他一直不忠于自己的妻子,有着一位情人。 一天,奢曼像往常一样同自己的情妇幽会,两人开着车行驶在高速公路上,没想到竟然撞到了一个孩子。因为害怕自己的出轨和行踪暴露,奢曼决定逃离事故现场,...
When Chelsea and her friends get in trouble with the cops, they flee the city and go on the run. Fueled by a hallucinogenic drug called Echo, they hope to lay low-and get high-in an old family hideo...
《童话镇第四季》于2014年9月29日回归。第四季将会引入热门迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》的故事。乔治娜•海格(Georgina Haig)将饰演冰雪女王艾莎(Elsa),伊丽莎白•莱尔(Elizabeth Lail)将饰演女王的妹妹安娜公主(Anna)。而斯科特•迈克尔•福斯特(Scott Michael Foster)将饰演流浪人克里斯托弗(Kristoff)。...